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Patrice Besse Property Buying Services, catering to our international clients seeking to acquire property in Paris and across France or elsewhere. We offer tailored assistance to acquire property from within our portfolio, off-market or from any listing with any realtor.

the french property market

Understanding the French property market is crucial. Unlike other countries, real estate agents primarily represent sellers, and with no national Multiple Listing Service, getting information about different properties may involve dealing with several independent agents.

Patrice Besse Buying Services

Buyer Representation

We represent your interests exclusively as the buyer, and we can assist you to acquire property listed with any realtor as well as from within our portfolio.

Comprehensive Advisory

Beyond the property purchase, we connect you to trusted partners for advice on historic buildings, legal and tax issues, renovations and property management.

Property Search

We search for properties of exceptional quality and character that meet your criteria, whether they are off-market or advertised by the owner or another agency.

Unrivaled Experience

Since 1924, we specialize in Chateaux, Historic Monuments and unique character properties offering efficient, discreet and confidential service.

Expert Negotiation

A skilled negotiator will work with you to navigate the complexities of making an offer in France and secure the best deal and terms for you.

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Laissez vous inspirer par des lieux empreints d’histoire(s) et d'authenticité
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